Welcome to Tappix the website for photographer Sean Tapp, it is a selection of photographs taken over the last few years showing a dynamic range of my photography.

I originally studied Wildlife Illustration at Dyfed College of Art where I realised that photography was the media that I preferred to work in. I learnt the alchemy of the darkroom developing and processing my own film and pictures and using them in other media like screen printing and etching.

After getting my diploma in Wildlife Illustration (student of the year) I went on to be a rostrum camera operator and then a graphic designer in the print industry. With the advent of computers and then PhotoShop my love of photography was rekindled, the alchemy of the darkroom replaced with the manipulation of pixels.

As well as theatrical photography, I also undertake some commercial work when I have time and have worked with Henry Reichhold reichholdarts.com on the “Nokia connected worlds project” photographing major cites around the world. Also the website development company Cwdos, various design agencies and theatres.

Photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth which can make them come back again.” ~Henri Cartier-Bresson

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West Wales LandscapesGiclee Prints